Independent MP Candidate for Tunbridge Wells

“Let’s make our politics work for the people of Tunbridge Wells, not for the London establishment or party agendas.”

Photograph of Hassan Kassem, Independent MP Candidate for Tunbridge Wells in the 2024 General Election.
Photograph of Hassan Kassem, Independent MP Candidate for Tunbridge Wells in the 2024 General Election.

No to establishment politics and party propaganda.

Yes to a more honest politics that works for you.

Hassan Kassem: your voice in parliament.

Your Voice in Parliament

What do I mean when I say ‘your voice in parliament’? You will be given the opportunity to engage in the political decisions that affect your life and local community, and as your MP I will share your ideas and solutions directly in Westminster.

To make this happen I will start local citizens’ assemblies made up of people broadly representative of the local area, chosen by lottery, who are then tasked to come together to share their concerns and ideas, and democratically agree on the changes they want to see.

A Democratic Approach

Learn About Our Campaign

Tunbridge Wells MP Candidate for the 2024 General Election

As a proud Brit who believes strongly in our democratic traditions, I'm deeply frustrated by how our politics is letting us down. People are struggling to make ends meet, communities and businesses lack support, and our country lacks a unifying vision.

Our politics is simply not working, and our government has failed to work in the public interest. They’ve overseen a housing crisis and directly contributed to rising inequality, a struggling NHS and broken social care, ineffective climate policies, and a world made less safe by conflicts abroad. The British public has been treated with contempt, and a huge gap of mistrust has opened up between our elected politicians and UK citizens. Faith in our politics can only be restored when the British public is properly valued as a vital part of our democracy

My Pledges

I will always stand up for the NHS and the principle of free healthcare at the point of use. That's why I've taken the NHS pledge.

I will always stand for human rights for all. That’s why I’ve pledged to put Palestine on the ballot, and support a ceasefire now and an end to UK weapons sales to Israel.

I will always stand up for the most vulnerable and most in need in society. That's why I've taken the Trussell Trust and JRF pledge to guarantee our essentials and social security for all.

Contact Hassan